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Psy - surgery by curandero, medium don Arcenio


Express -program "Healers of Mexico." 7 days.


Cost of that program is : $1500

You can register online:







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We have developed Express Healing Program per your request. This is a program for people with serious health problems.

Instead of the usual 11-day program, it is designed for a week. Program runs in sparing mode allowing maximum comfort possible for these places.

Starting February, a truly unique healer, medium, psy - surgeon, Don Arsenio Dzul will operate at our center. He truly works wonders, operating without a scalpel and anesthesia.


Accommodations are offered at our retreat center “Seven Arrows”, a two-hours drive from Cancun. Retreat is located in the jungle. This is a place of power, known by people of Maya since antiquity. When you are here, you are immediately feeling the presence, a burst of energy, promoting your gradual return to a harmonious state. The very place treats you, advises, and bestows the Force.



During the healing process, it is very important to maintain positive attitude and clear intention to heal.


Day One.

Arrival at the Center.

Accommodation and getting to know our routine, schedules, and each other.

Ceremony of Setting Intention which would form our attitude and intention, promoting healing.


Day Two

Morning meditation

Crystal therapy sessions

Bathing in the sacred waters of cenotes, underground lake ..

Meeting with a Mayan medicine man, Don Asterio.

Don Asterio will give individual sessions working with the sacred body Suhuyot.

Sacred "massage" Suhoyot is an ancient indian massage technique, which appeared in the culture of the Indians of Mesoamerica a few thousand years ago. In the mid-'90s Indians began to share secret technique with non-Indians, talking about the transfer of sacred knowledge, which was predicted by their ancestors. It is connected and happening on the wave of new energies, New Age movement, changing energy of the planet.

Indian’s understanding of the structure of a human body is almost one hundred percent agree with maps of acupuncture points of Oriental medicine, although the methods of applying are different. Suhyot is very beneficial and, most importantly, fast technique impact on the energy centers of the human system (the so-called resonators) and the distribution of energy flows. In addition, the "massage" is very pleasant; everyone who tried it absolutely love it. Due to the impact on the system energy resonators Suhuot gives quick relief from pain, depression, excess weight and bad habits, allows to bring the body in a cheerful and healthy state, cures many diseases, improves vision, strengthens the immune system.

After the session Don Asterio may give you herbs to take to assist healing.

Also, you’d be able to buy other herbs and ointments.

Later that night Don Asterio will conduct a Ritual of cleansing with the Sacred Fire. He is truly extraordinary when it comes to working with the Spirits of Fire.

You will need to wear white clothes for this ritual.


Day Three.

Continued work with Don Arsenio.


Past life regression.


For those who desire - Temazcal ritual.

Preparation for psy - surgery.

Answers to questions.


Day Four.

Rise at 5 o'clock in the morning.

Clothes - shorts, skirts (not a single piece dress, something separate), something old and worn which you can throw away after surgery.

"Diagnostics". You decide which one of these "diagnoses" are the most important to you. It is not recommended to have more than three problem areas operated on at once! This is a contact surgery!!!

The operation lasts a few minutes. After surgery you’re being carried on a stretcher to a room where you rest for 3 hours.

Lunch at 11.00 o’clock.

Don Arsenio may recommend a diet for you to follow from that day on.

Evening meditation.


Day Five.

Morning meditation.

Sessions with Crystals.

You remain in a state of rest and meditation. Listen to your body ... Keep the inner smile and faith in healing!

Soul Recovery ritual.

Optional - visiting the ceremonial complex of Coba. This is not included in the program.


Day Six.

Morning meditation.

Sessions with Crystals upon desire.

Meeting with Mayan priest Don Bartholomew.

This meeting may change your destiny.

Individual informational/healing sessions and being in the energy of this amazing man.

Farewell bonfire.

Sharing and summing up of the experiences acquired during the trip.


Day Seven.

Cancun. Airport.


Q and A

Here are the answers to frequently asked questions.

Q. What are the guarantees of healing?

A. Do doctors which you go to for many years, give any guarantees? Have you read the paper which medical institutions give you to sign before any visit or surgery? They state that no one accepts any liability and does not guarantee anything.

In our case, when working with healers,

We guarantee that:

- Healers, which you are traveling to, are carriers of ancient knowledge of healing traditions of the Maya.

- They are the highest professionals, the best of the best in the Yucatan. We have been searching for them for many years.

- We have a lot of examples of amazing healings of people who participated in the trips.

- You will be surrounded and cared for by bright, good people who sincerely wish you the best.

While making a decision to join the group, you should understand that you would be working with the most powerful forces that will provide maximum assistance. But the key to success are your thoughts, actions, and, most importantly! - Faith. The bottom line is : your own actions, thoughts, and emotions can "spoil" the most excellent work. Therefore, there is no guarantee of results, yet, there is a high probability of success.

We cannot guarantee that the result of the trip would be exactly the result you expect. Why is that? Because the final result very much depends on your own actions, thoughts, emotions, and intention to heal.

Again, we are not doctors and healers. We do not treat disease. In no way his trip replaces medical care and/or interferes with your doctor’s recommendations. We do not provide services of a psychologist, psychiatrist, and psychotherapist.

Specialty and quality of our services are based on our experience and opinions. It is possible that other experts can give other recommendations.

Remember that the solution to your problem is sought after by you! You have to really want to solve the problem. Oddly enough, it happens that internally a person does not want to recover. It is a fairly common situation when one becomes comfortable being sick.

If you do not believe in the possibility of healing and solution to your problem, it will be difficult to help you. Suspense expectation of result; doubt and unbelief are not allowed. The most powerful blocks to the healer’s efforts are set by you.

We are not trying to persuade you and have no right to influence a person's decision to seek help. Only you can make decisions and take responsibility for it. We will not persuade or pressure.

Be grateful to the Higher Powers. Keep in mind that your problems may not be resolved immediately, you accumulated them for years.

What to take with you on a trip:

We strongly recommend to go light, it is desirable to limit ourselves to small suitcase or backpack.

Bring white clothes!!! Shorts and tee shirts for men, light blouses and skirts, dresses for women.

It is advisable to bring clothes from natural fabrics. It is also recommended to have a raincoat or a cape, which can be worn over clothing, heavy duty flip flops. Remember, we're going into the jungle, you will not need your travel clothes till your departure. It is also advisable to take the things that you can leave after the departure for the locals. We recommend to bring a small flashlight, hat and insect repellent.

We wish you the best in all your endeavors!



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