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Retreats at Upstate NY


The project of the center " Open way", Monticello ( upstate NY)
Our concept and the intention is to bring shamanic energy in your life, to give basic experience and knowledge.
All the material means, received from retreats, will be the development of our space, which, as we understand it, should be the center - for all, who needs to be in the energy and simply human support, the spiritual life, and the path. The first one-day retreat will be on 9 th may. And then, starting from 23 May, every weekend - welcome to our space. You do not necessarily have to participate in all practices. Each and every one of you can select what is better for you. For example, in our center we have a healing pyramid, in which we hold sessions and meditation . As you may recall, have heard, pyramids are amazing, it conserves energy, balances and healing. You can come only at these sessions. You can stay with us for 2 days or for 1, held impressive practices or simply come to purify and rest.
Will do a schedule for the weekends soon. And you can register in advance. Aho!


We are located at:

1016 52 state Route

Hurleyville, NY,12747

Sqhedule for retreat on May 23,24,25


Saturday May 23:

We are meeting at 11 am

 11 am - breakfast

12pm - opening the sacred space

 1pm  - temazcal

 2 pm - lunch

 3-7 pm -preparation for recapitulation and recapitulation

 7 pm - dinner

 8 pm - the ceremony of intention



Sunday May 24:


11 am  - breakfast

 12 pm - healing pyramid

 1pm - Hard opening (drum ceremony)

 2 pm - lunch

 3 pm - Soul recovery and finding yor animal

 5 pm - meditation in pyramid

 6 pm - dinner

 8 - the ceremony 


Monday May 25:


11 am - breakfast

12 pm -Healing  Pyramid

1pm  - therapy with crystals, aromatherapy

 3 pm- lunch

 4pm -temazcal

 5 pm-meditation in pyramid

 6 pm - dinner



price for retreat program and staying in the center - $150 a day. Meals and accommodation are included. We are happy to see you with us ,Aho

The price may vary depending on the services that you have dialed.

 There may be individual healing sessions and tarot reading.


You can register online for :



1 day  





2 days





3 days


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