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Soul Recovery

Soul Recovery is a process by which we uncover an essential truth: that each of us are whole and complete expressions of Life – no matter what our history or experience might suggest.

As we grow up and learn the lessons of our parents, friends and communities, there are coded messages that embed into the development of our personalities. Some of these are very positive - others less so. Because the human brain is capable of taking seed ideas and turning them into full fledged belief systems and life patterns - it is vital that we revisit some of these ideas to insure that they accurately resonate with the lives we are attempting to build for ourselves

For example, most of us grow up with completely rational fears that serve to protect us during early stages of development. But later in life, many of these fear-based ideas become impediments to our highest creative functioning and spiritual development

That is what Soul Recovery was crafted to address. In a step-by-step incremental process, Soul Recovery's 12 Keys are designed to resolve dependence, childhood trauma, issues of unworthiness, abandonment, shame, rejection, not-enough-ness, guilt and any other influence that is incongruent with your essential wholeness as a spiritual being having a human experience.

By addressing these impediments, you free yourself to reveal your highest potential in all areas of life – be they personal, professional or spiritual.

Soul Recovery is a 12 Week process that walks the reader through the necessary steps to address patterns of dysfunction that may have become entangled with their sense of self.

Because the work is done at the level of one’s identity, many challenges – from dependence and obsessive behaviors to relationship and prosperity issues - can be resolved for good.

Appointment - $150





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Reiki Attunements

(Can be done in person or can be distance attunements)



Every one can be initiated to Reiki. The attunement process enables the recipient to permanently open and connect to the Universal Reiki Energies on mental, physical, emotional and psychic level. It also clears and balances many important energy channels within the body.

Each attunement received, opens up to higher levels of healing and understanding Universal Spirituality.

It is very easy to learn Reiki. No special background or knowledge is required, so anyone of any age can learn and practice it.

Attunements are given by a Reiki Master and there are three formal levels of initiation.



REIKI LEVEL I At this level the initiate is permanently attuned and connected to the Reiki source of healing energy. Once initiated it allows a person to performing healing on oneself and others. It requires no special invocation or alteration of the thinking process to "turn on the flow" of Reiki. By simply placing the hands and opening the hart to love, one automatically brings in the energy.

The First Degree is the foundation for all three degrees, and should be mastered first before the person considered for the next level.

This level deals with physical issues.

REIKI LEVEL II The initiate is attuned again to better connect with energies that heal mental and emotional issues and that can travel across any distance and time. You can practice sending distance healing to your friends and family, even animals.

The power symbol learned can be used to help focus energy for specific purposes. In order to receive this initiation, one must have been previously attuned to Reiki I.

REIKI LEVEL III/MASTER All the Reiki energy is unlocked when attuned to this level. At this level the initiate will be able to perform Reiki attunements to others. One must have been previously attuned to Level I and II in order to receive this level.


Attunements  Reiki 1,2 - $200

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Attunement Master Reiki - $1000

(I don’t give Master Reiki until I know that you are working and using Reiki in right manner)

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Tarot Reading

Can be done in person or online (by phone or by skype)


So what is Tarot Card Reading? Tarot is one of the oldest forms of fortune telling known to man. A tarot deck is a deck of cards, usually 78 cards, that is used by someone who is skilled in the reading of them. Depending on the type of reading that you are wanting to have, the reader will consult the cards to show them what you are needing to know. Tarot cards have been around since the 15th century and are still one of the worlds most common ways of divining into the future.

You don't have to be someone who believes in tarot to benefit from a reading, usually the cards will make a believer out of you. No one has really been able to explain why the cards are able to divine the future. It could be in the cards, but mostly it is the cards in the hands of someone who knows how to use them. You reader should be someone who is experienced in tarot and feels as though their deck is a deck that speaks to them directly.


Everyone has something in their lives they need support for. Sometimes it may seem that there is no solution to be found. But now that you have the answer to the question of what is Tarot Card Reading, you have the key to open that door.

Appointment - $100

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Acutonics -sound healing

The Acutonics Healing System is an energy based, non-invasive treatment that is similar to acupuncture.


The focus of the Acutonics tuning forks treatment session is to help release and let go of what is not needed and promote physical, emotional and spiritual healing for the person.

Appointment - $100

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Negative energy cleaning

(Can be done in person or online)


Psychic attacks are defined as the manipulation of supernatural energies and forces. Psychic attacks occur when dark and negative energetic vibrations are sent from one individual to another individual or place creating disturbances in the energetic and physical bodies of the person or place. This negative energy can be called a spirit, an entity, a thought form or a dark negative energy. Each of these energies can create harmful effects within the person receiving them.

Not everything that's considered difficult in a persons life is the result of a psychic attack, but psychic attacks do happen and they happen more often today than ever before. You will hear some people say that negative energies and psychic attacks don't exist and cannot happen if you don't believe in them or give them energy by paying attention to them. This is not true. Problems can and do happen as a result of negative energies and psychic attacks. Recently mothers have contacted me about their teenagers who are practicing bits of black magic wanting to know how to help their children. There are disadvantages as well as advantages to Harry Potter.

Mother Earth and all of us who live on her are surrounded by many mysterious, supernatural and beautiful energies, including intelligent energies, angels and guides. We are affected by the energies of all the planets including the Sun, the Moon, other planets, asteroids and stars. At the same time we are also exposed to many negative energies, entities, spirits and intelligent energies which can affect us in so many different ways.

Appointment - $100

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