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Traveler’s Journal. Interview with psy-surgeon Don Arsenio Dzul.

Traveler’s Journal.

Interview with psy-surgeon Don Arsenio Dzul.

We were looking for him for almost a year. It is not easy to get information from locals. In our efforts to meet the miracle surgeon we traveled in different directions, took terrible dirt roads. We didn’t know his name, nor where he lived. The only thing known to us was that there is a magical healer which treats all diseases performing bloodless surgeries. Along the way, we got to know a few wonderful shamans, herbalists, healers, but "our healer" did not pop up anywhere...

Once, we were returning from visiting one of the herbalists back to Merida, the capital of Yucatan. As we did not find the curandero this time around, we decided to spend last two days in Mexico at the beach before leaving for New York. We stopped by a gas station to get some water and, and, on a sudden, I overheard a conversation between two women. They were talking about the miraculous recovery of the son of one of the woman, he had cancer. When she told me that her son was healed through bloodless surgery, I realized that our luck, at last, turned to face us.

Even though it was getting dark, without another thought, we turned around and went back to Quintana Roo, back into unknown. We were almost certain that we found him.

His name is Don Arsenio Dzul. This unique man lives in a picturesque town in the center of the Yucatan Peninsula. From childhood Don Arsenio absorbed traditions of his people, The Maya. He inherited the "channel" from the mysterious Brazilian medium, curandero, the legendary Jorge Leslie Black, who once came to this land and remained in Mexico til his death.

Every day, crowds of people come from different parts of Mexico and from abroad carrying in their hearts hope of being healed of incurable diseases. People come with great faith in the gift of the healer who has been skilled in the mysteries of the Mayan healing practices.

Don Arsenio has incredible energy. He performs bloodless surgical operations, uses herbs and tinctures in his practice; he got the knowledge of preparing them from his grandfather.

Don Arsenio speaks Spanish with a slight Mayan accent; it makes his speech sound more soft and soulful. When he talks about his mission to serve the people, you know that this man speaks from the love of his heart and its waves penetrate directly into the soul. Generally, Don Arsenio does not speak much; it is quite difficult to get an interview with him. It is not because he tries to make you feel his importance or significance. On the contrary, he is very modest and reluctant of publicity. He does what he must, without pomp, without further ado. Pride in his voice can only be felt when he mentions that he is the successor of the ancient tradition of healers whose knowledge should be preserved, their line continued.

Q. Don Arsenio, when did you start to work independently?

The knowledge is passed down from generation to generation - said the healer.

He told us that for fifteen years he worked as a driver for Don Jorge Lesla Black. During that time he not only became his friend, but also his assistant and student. Before he met Don Jorge, Don Arsenio worked as an inspector for the Department of Public Works of Quintana Roo state government. Getting to know legendary psychic and healer Don Jorge Lesla Black, who later became his teacher, completely changed the Don Arsenio’s life. Since then, he has continued the tradition of miraculous healings.

“I do not know why he chose me” - says Arsenio – “Teacher had other assistants. Yet, right before his death, he called me and gave me his channel. By that time I already had the knowledge. He said he was ready to leave, and that I could start working on my own in two months after his death. So I started thirteen years ago, and, thank God, everything is going well.

Q. You were the only one working with your teacher?

A. No, there were 8 of us.

Q. And yet, how did it happen that you inherited the line?

A. I helped Don Jorge, was his driver, worked with him day and night, was nearby wherever he went. So the teacher began gradually teaching me, revealing the secrets, letting me to get acquaint with his assistants in the world of spirits. We spent lots of time together. No one expected that it will be me, even members of his family. And so, here I am.

Q. Could you describe how the surgery works and what is your method?

A. I do not usually reveal it.

Q. Don Arsenio, we've been looking for you, drove thousands of miles ...

A. All right. This is an art of spiritual surgery. During this work it is necessary to dissect the very top layer of the skin tissue which is done with the assistance of the Divine energy. There should be no external bleeding and be no pain at the time of the operation itself.

Often, I do not remember how the surgery went, but I believe in God and I know that I have a divine gift.

Q. Our method requires that myself and those who help me during and after the operation, were filled with love and kindness for the patient. We should not condemn or persuade those patients, who do not believe in spiritual, divine healing, neither discuss with them the essence of treatment.

It is necessary for the healer to have respect for divine power; one needs to calm down physically and mentally, let go of all the excitement and concerns for the material life. I go into a special state of deep inner peace and harmony. The most difficult part during training was to learn not to think about what to do. Everything happens automatically and subconsciously, my hands seem to be working by themselves. Thoughts could only interfere with the transmission of spiritual energy. I serve as a "channel". Strong energetic vibration passes through my consciousness into the patient's thoughts.

If something needs to be removed, the fingers grip the diseased tissue and it gets discarded. My professional and spiritual self-development continues all my life. The main condition for the success of treatment is a profound faith in God and in the power of God which is being passed onto the healer during surgery. The healer must be prepared mentally and physically.

These are the principles that my Master taught me. He is always with me during operations. It helps me a lot.

Q. How do you diagnose?

A. A fresh egg is broken into the glass of water. By the state of the egg in the glass I can tell everything that happens to a person at all levels, physical and spiritual. Relations with other people: friends and enemies, their attitudes toward a patient could be told by looking into the glass. To expedite the process, I ask the patient what his/her complains are. After diagnosis is determined, the patient is being prepared for surgery.

Q. Do you operate all diseases?

A. Yes, all. Yet, due to the lack of space, I do not take patients with tuberculosis, hepatitis C, and AIDS. Those patients need special treatment. At this time I am not able to provide required conditions.

Q. Has anyone ever offered you to improve conditions, open a clinic, for example?

A. My teacher worked here. I cannot leave this place yet.

Q. Can you go to another country, United States, for example?

A. No. How can I leave people? After all, they are coming to me from afar, knowing that I'm here, that I'd help them. No. I cannot leave for a long time. At times, I get invited to Mexico City by people associated with the government, I cannot deny them. Among my patiens are musicians, famous actors. They all know that I can’t be absent for a long time, they send a car for me and I quickly get back.

Q. Which illnesses could be healed?

A. Kidney, liver, spine, brain, female, male problems, problems with pregnancy, the uterus, ovaries, skin diseases, diseases of the immune system, hormonal diseases and. t. e. Cancer, stomach, diabetes, vision problems, ...

Almost all.

Q. What was the most difficult thing that was taught to you by Don Jorge?

A. Operation. And to be able to control blood during surgery. Also, to look through the body "in forty points" ...

Q. And where did Don Jorge study his art?

A. He also had a teacher who gave him the knowledge before his death. Don Jorge treated by moving from place to place until he settled in Yucatan. This is a secret knowledge of ancient healers. It is passed from generation to generation. When one dies, the other will inherit the knowledge.

Q. What was your first surgery?

A. It was the liver surgery.

Q. Were you afraid that something would go wrong, something would not work out?

A. No. I did everything as I should have done. First had surgery was on the liver, the man was from the United States. Next one was on the heart. And then, people started coming by bus from around the world.

Q. How many people you operate on a day?

A. It’s different. Sometimes 10 to 20, more during holidays and vacations.

Q. Do you know anyone else who also works in Mexico?

A. No, I don’t. One neighbor was trying to pass himself off as me, but it did not work. (Laughs).

Q. How many days a week do you work?

A. From Monday to Saturday. I start early in the morning, as soon as the buses start coming, until the end, when everyone is seen.

Q. Do you teach anyone to be your follower?

Q. Which illnesses could be healed?

A. Kidney, liver, spine, brain, female, male problems, problems with pregnancy, the uterus, ovaries, skin diseases, diseases of the immune system, hormonal diseases and. t. e. Cancer, stomach, diabetes, vision problems, ...

Almost all.

Q. What was the most difficult thing that was taught to you by Don Jorge?

A. Operation. And to be able to control blood during surgery. Also, to look through the body "in forty points" ...

Q. And where did Don Jorge study his art?

A. He also had a teacher who gave him the knowledge before his death. Don Jorge treated by moving from place to place until he settled in Yucatan. This is a secret knowledge of ancient healers. It is passed from generation to generation. When one dies, the other will inherit the knowledge.

Q. What was your first surgery?

A. It was the liver surgery.

Q. Were you afraid that something would go wrong, something would not work out?

A. No. I did everything as I should have done. First had surgery was on the liver, the man was from the United States. Next one was on the heart. And then, people started coming by bus from around the world.

Q. How many people you operate on a day?

A. It’s different. Sometimes 10 to 20, more during holidays and vacations.

Q. Do you know anyone else who also works in Mexico?

A. No, I don’t. One neighbor was trying to pass himself off as me, but it did not work. (Laughs).

Q. How many days a week do you work?

A. From Monday to Saturday. I start early in the morning, as soon as the buses start coming, until the end, when everyone is seen.

Q. Do you teach anyone to be your follower?

A. Not yet. Thank God, I feel good and have lots of energy. But, on the day when I receive a warning that there is not much time left, I would begin to prepare the successor to our line.

Don Arsenio spent over an hour with us. He showed us the "surgery rooms" which were more than modest, but, they are, as he said in conclusion, the place where God lives, it is the house of God...

For a few years our center "Open Way" brings people seeking healing to Mexico.

Starting February 2015, every weekend, Don Arsenio will perform his miraculous work at retreat center “7 Flechas”. “7 Flechas” provides accommodations, food, and other related services.

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