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Christopher Long

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Christopher Long or Wahehe Yuha Maniktelo is a Spiritual Leader and the founder of The Singing Stone in Crestone, Colorado. Of Cherokee and Choctah descent, he shares his understanding of Indigenous American Ceremonies and way of life freely with those drawn to the Red Road. Receiving a vision at the age of 12…

Christopher learned practical skills from his Grandfather in Oklahoma from a Native American perspective as well as coexisting in a Native American community. Along with The Singing Stone members, Christopher sings traditional Lakota songs and supports at various Sun Dances and ceremonial functions throughout the Americas. Authorized by the Lakota Nation to perform Sweat Lodge, Hanbleceya (Vision Quest), and Yuwipi Ceremonies, Christopher is a Pipe Carrier willing to assist those in need. He is also a Roadman of the Native American Church which has been described as one of the most life changing Indigenous Ceremonies to participate in. These Ceremonies are available in Crestone and wherever Spirit guides Christopher which includes the United States and the entire globe.

Honoring Earth Based Traditions in all Ceremonies, Christopher describes himself as a follower of the Goddess as well as a representative of the Wiwilas (Little People). The Feminine and the Elemental Spirits are an important focus as he prayerfully teaches his students from his deep understanding of Unci Maca, or Grandmother Earth. His reverence and authentic care in sharing what he knows to be integral teachings at such a pivotal point in history help bring back the balance to our planet.

Known for his predictive ability’s and insight into others, Christopher is the founder of Advanced Palmistry . He is a professional Palm Reader and Physiognomer (face and body reader). Individuals are capable of gaining tremendous insight in terms of their birth given traits as well as life path which is helpful on numerous levels. With over 25 years of experience as “The Master Palmist”, he is recognized in many circles for his ability to accurately describe people’s life and destiny.

As a living tabernacle of wisdom, Christopher is capable of teaching a wide variety of Native American crafts. From tanning hides to making drums, from erecting tipis to creating beautiful leather work, from amazing feather fans to detailed beadwork on the loom, from wild woods herbology to shapeshifting, the list goes on in terms of skills that he encourages us to experience.

As we learn these various Traditional Arts, we are brought back into harmony with all of Creation. We feel ourselves living out our Ancestors’ Dreams and Visions by connecting in a true way through our hands and hearts, forgetting the fast paced, technological world that we are all surrounded by. Through healing in the form of prayer, meditative arts, self awareness, and structured rituals, community is formed as our dysfunctional behaviors melt away without any need to pick them up ever again. Our oneness and wildness is remembered as we enjoy our gift of life.

We as human beings are an alignment of many different forces. Within and without us rests a precarious balance of universal laws. Use the simple basic methods of Earth’s ancient inhabitants to strike a balance in your life and the world around you. These time honored techniques have seriously been neglected by our modern culture.

Learn these simple tricks as well as the Indigenous American perspectives on channelling, being a Walk In, and humankind’s inherent relationship to other beings. Now is a time more than ever for the human race to come together and understand the changes that are occurring on this planet.

The Yuwipi Ceremony, is probably the most fascinating rite in the western hemisphere. Anthropologists believe that it has its origins in Siberia and that it spread from there to many places throughout the world. It is believed to have been practiced in Nepal and northern China thousands of years ago. There are ancient traces of it among the Laplanders, The Mongols, The Icelandic peoples and in Amazonia.

When the Medicine Man is tied and bound it is known as a Yuwipi. The Spirit come in and then set about tying and untying, the frame drum, as well as the general events of the ceremony. This is what Anthropologists to trace the yuwipi to Siberia and beyond. The Canli Pahta, or prayer ties are a purely Lakota element in this beautiful practice. The healing during the Ywuip that occurs in these ceremonies may or may not be accompanied by any tactile sensations. This does not affect the power of the healing. The most difficult manifestation seems to be for the spirits to make sound. Auditory experiences seem to occur less (the singing or speaking of spirits) than tactile ones,though they do occur. There are no real generalizations though, it is up to the Spirits alone, next it is up to the Medicine Man’s relationship with those beings and last, but not least, it is up to the faith of the participants. It is Interesting to note that certain individuals are born with, or acquire the ability to create situations characteristic to Yuwipi.

What to Expect: The leader or Yuwipi man is bound within a quilt and laid face down in the center of the room, (Yuwipi means they tie him up). The room is plunged into total darkness as the lead singer begins to drum and sing with great enthusiasm. In the darkness the spirits play the rattles and untie the leader. The lights are turned on and the Yuwipi man narrates the events of the ceremony and the sacred Canupa is passed round. This all takes about four to six hours, normally but the Spirits are determined enough to join in the Walk-In Conference gathering that they, the Spirits, have agreed to fit into our time frame of 2-3 hours.

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