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Mexican healers and retreat center “7 Flechas” programs.

Mexican healers and retreat center “7 Flechas” programs.

The first mention of the phenomenon of psychic operations appeared in the Soviet Union thirty years ago, then surgery without a scalpel seemed so unreal that official medicine and the scientific world as a whole did not consider it necessary to comment on this phenomenon. Since then, things have changed, scientists are seriously discussing issues of bioenergy and bio-field, and the official and traditional medicine have made more than a step towards each other.

Our programs are associated with healing, - a combination of tourism and recreational trips. Their distinctive feature is that we offer trips to places with unique energy; they are called places of power. The uniqueness of this place is in very special combination of natural conditions that have beneficial effect on humans. At the same time, many of these places have remained untouched by civilization; ancient methods of healing have not been forgotten. They prove to be successful when the official medicine is powerless. In addition, staying in such "wild" places gives a very vivid impression, not comparable with staying at the usual resort.

When we began our exploration of Mexico and its healers with unique capabilities, we were visited by people whom the official medicine simply gave up on: mostly cancer patients in the late stages of the disease. Today, it is not necessarily seriously ill people. Many come with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, urogenital problems, oncological patient at the early stages of development, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as travelers looking for new horizons and their Path.

During our work, we have not recorded a single case of worsening health conditions in patients which underwent the intervention of the Mexican healers. Of course, there are cases where healers and powerless. For example, cancer patients with metastases, when almost all the stomach was removed, yet the majority of those who come, reports a clear improvement. There are simply phenomenal cases.

There are two major points. First, it is very important to follow all recommendations of the healer after the operation or a treatment session. Second, after one returns home after the trip to Mexico, he/she returns to the same conditions that caused his disease progression. It becomes a necessity to change one’s habits, lifestyle, and change themselves, reprogram, so the disease does not have a chance to return. It may be a challenging endeavor. Our other programs are designed for this purpose.

Treatment by healers, curanderos, indeed shows proven positive results. We always personally "experience" curanderos work upon ourselves. And this is quite understandable. It is commonly known that among the healers, as well as among practitioners of any other profession, there are hacks, cheats and others who do not carry out their work in good faith. Therefore, we work only with healers whose professionalism we do not doubt. This is the best curanderos of Yucatan: Don Arsenio, medium, "psy-surgeon," Don Astaire, who reconstructs spine by applying unique ancient Mayan technique Suhuyot, Don Jorge, the best herbalist of Yucatan, and High Mayan priest Don Bartolome, a meeting with whom changes your life. They help people coming from all over the world.

We strive to create programs that are affordable and promote an intense healing. A week-long trip with psy-operation costs only $ 1,500 without airfare.


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