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Spiritual journey to Colorado April 19- 26 2015

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A Yuwipi Ceremony is known as a Night Sing. Invocation songs are sung in a darkened room to call upon the help of woodland spirits. Fairies, little people, stone spirits, and animals arrive creating an almost indescribable situation. This ritual is a profound experience of spiritual beings manifesting into the physical.

This ceremony truly defines what Shamanism is and it is considered by many anthropologists and archaeologists to have been the Neanderthal’s primary religion. The Yuwipi, Sweat Lodge and Vision quest are considered a trinity of rites. This practice is used for healing, connecting with spirits, finding things and solutions to problems. We begin with a sweat lodge rite (Hanbleceya) and an explanation of the evening’s events.

The Medicine Man is bound within a sacred blanket and laid down upon a special altar to commune with spirits and enter into their world. Flickering lights can be seen in the darkness along with many other hard to describe things. The spirits are able to remove illnesses from people as well as answer questions from beyond. The spirits can be sent to find lost objects or people and even preform healings outside of the circle. Yuwipi is also known as the tent shaking rite and is famous for its levitation and other unexplained phenomenon. This experience lasts a few hours and always takes place after dusk. The event is followed by a meal and another optional sweat lodge the next morning.

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